Thursday, November 22, 2012

Drugs that Can Make Drivers Drowsy and Prone to Accidents

Drugs that can make driver dizzy after taking | car accident lawyer
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Whenever people hear news stories about sleepy driving caused by drugs, they always tend to associate them with illegal substances such as cocaine, heroin, “mushroom,” and meth. However, these drugs are not the only culprits of drowsy driving in the United States.

There are over-the-counter and prescription drugs that can make a person feeling drowsy or sleepy. According to various drugs-related websites, the following are some of the typical legal drugs that are known to induce drowsiness:

•    Antidepressants
•    Sedatives or tranquilizers
•    Anticonvulsants (drugs used for treatment of epilepsy and seizures)
•    Antiemetics (drugs used for treatment of nausea)
•    Medical marijuana
•    Antihistamine

Any of the said drugs can make a driver sleepy if he or she takes it before or during driving. Hence, it is vital for any Los Angeles driver not to drive while under the influence of any drowsiness-causing drug.

Sleepy driving is not only dangerous but is also potentially fatal. Every year, thousands of people get killed in accidents caused by drowsy driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every year, about 100,000 car accidents are caused by fatigue and/or drowsy driving. NHTSA also estimates that 1,550 people die and 71,000 people injure due to fatigue driving annually.

Los Angeles motorists or pedestrians who get injured in a road accident caused by a sleepy driver should file a car accident claim. Under the law, accident victims can be entitled to various compensatory payments as long as they are not at fault on the accident and that the accident was caused by another person’s negligence.

In the legal sense, driving while sleepy can be considered grounds for negligent driving because all drivers are expected to drive their vehicle effectively and safely. Hence, sleepy drivers can be held liable if they cause injury or harm to other people.

Car accident victims in Los Angeles are advised to get the services of an experienced and aggressive Los Angeles injury attorney. Proving the negligence of a drowsy driver in a car accident claim is not easy, which is why it is advisable for victims to get legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer.

Their attorney can help them in proving the liable driver’s negligence in the accident, and in negotiating with his or her insurance company to ensure that only just payments will be provided.

Los Angeles drivers who do not want to injure other people and to get in trouble with the law should refrain from driving while under the influence of drugs.


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